How is it?

I put the vase of flowers in the window a mere 12 minutes ago

got a tea

sat down to write

looked up...


I put the vase of flowers in the window a mere 12 minutes ago

     got a tea

          sat down to write

               looked up...


In these 12 minutes the tulips went from 1/2 closed to bursting forth 

     their songs flowing from them

          telling all it's a beautiful day 

              (even if it is overcast with a chance of rain)


How is it I missed this

     this unfolding

          it happened in front of me

               yet i did not see it


Too busy being present to the tea

     to notice the magnificence 

          red, orange, purple, white

                their voices speaking their truth


So I sat

     determined that if they

           moved a millimeter more

               I would not miss it


I don't


It was in these moments I remembered 

      how good my life is

Christel Joy Johnson